003-GerstelPodcast-Logo-EP-003-Ver-NEU-150x150 Episode 3: Fingerprints of Hops
LabWorks True Podcast
Episode 3: Fingerprints of Hops
icon-loader Episode 3: Fingerprints of Hops


Show Notes:

A talk with Damien Steyer about fingerprints of hops, how to extract the aroma with Twister and how to automate the brewing process on an autosampler.



8HbgUjfZHV2dlpAa Episode 3: Fingerprints of Hops

Picture of the heatmap obtained after SBSE-GC-TOF of the minibeer (only 50 compounds presented, more than 500 have been detected) 



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Picture of the miniwort (20mL) and the picture of the minibeer (10mL) 




n7hOgcmOB36Z04nc Episode 3: Fingerprints of Hops

The brewing MPS Autosampler


Damien Steyer  


Fondateur de TWISTAROMA 

300, Bd Sébastien Brant CS 10413 F-67412 Illkirch 

portable : +33 (0) 6 75 61 80 22 




