Making Labs Work Podcast

Making Labs Work Podcast

Stories Around Analytical Chemistry

LabWorks True Podcast
LabWorks True Podcast
Episode 3: Fingerprints of Hops

Show Notes:

A talk with Damien Steyer about fingerprints of hops, how to extract the aroma with Twister and how to automate the brewing process on an autosampler.

Picture of the heatmap obtained after SBSE-GC-TOF of the minibeer (only 50 compounds presented, more than 500 have been detected) 

Picture of the miniwort (20mL) and the picture of the minibeer (10mL) 

The brewing MPS Autosampler


Damien Steyer  


Fondateur de TWISTAROMA 

300, Bd Sébastien Brant CS 10413 F-67412 Illkirch 

portable : +33 (0) 6 75 61 80 22 


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