A Novel Extraction Technique for Aqueous Samples: Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction


App Note 1/2000

A new approach using stir bars coated with PDMS was recently developed. In this approach, 50-300 μL PDMS coatings are used. Consequently, the sensitivity is increased by a factor of 100 to 1000. Complete recovery is possible for solutes with k(o/w) larger than 500. Solutes with k(o/w) from 10 to 500 can also be analyzed using calibration as is done in SPME. This technique is called stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE). PDMS coated stir bars are now commercially available(TwisterTM, GERSTEL). Magnetic stirring rods are incorporated in a glass jacket and coated with a layer of PDMS.