Application Notes

Application Notes

AppNote 270: Determination of N-Nitrosamines in Foods Using Solventless Extraction Techniques


N-nitrosamines, a class of compounds commonly found in foods and beverages, have long been a health concern due to their carcinogenic risks [1]. These compounds are typically formed during food preparation and processing through the reaction of amines with nitrosating compounds. The conventional method of extracting N-nitrosamines utilizes a liquid-liquid extraction with harmful solvents like methylene chloride, a practice that is about to face a significant challenge with the impending EPA ban [2]. This study demonstrates a safer and more efficient solventless extraction approach. Dynamic headspace (DHS) was used to extract N-nitrosamines from a diverse range of sample types.


N-Nitrosamines, Food, Dynamic Headspace (DHS) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)