

Fully Automated Liquid/Liquid Extraction

Fully Automated Liquid/Liquid Extraction

GERSTEL TD 3.5+ with Multiple Tubes

GERSTEL TD 3.5+ with Multiple Tubes

GERSTEL DHS with 1 L Vessel

GERSTEL DHS with 1 L Vessel

GERSTEL DHS with 20 mL Vial

GERSTEL DHS with 20 mL Vial

GERSTEL HS HIT with Solid Sample

GERSTEL HS HIT with Solid Sample

GERSTEL HS with Liquid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL HS with Liquid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL HS with Solid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL HS with Solid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL Liquid Injection into CIS

GERSTEL Liquid Injection into CIS

GERSTEL Liquid Injection into Split-Splitless Inlet

GERSTEL Liquid Injection into Split-Splitless Inlet

GERSTEL SPME with Liquid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL SPME with Liquid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL SPME with Solid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL SPME with Solid Sample into CIS

GERSTEL TDU with Multiple Tubes

GERSTEL TDU with Multiple Tubes

GERSTEL Tedlar Bag Sampling

GERSTEL Tedlar Bag Sampling

GERSTEL Tube Spiking System

GERSTEL Tube Spiking System

Automated Determination of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) from Dried Blood Spots (DBS)

Automated Determination of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) from Dried Blood Spots (DBS)

GERSTEL MPS robotic pro with Headspace Option

GERSTEL MPS robotic pro with Headspace Option

GERSTEL MPS robotic pro with SPME Option

GERSTEL MPS robotic pro with SPME Option

GERSTEL MPS WorkStation with SPE Option

GERSTEL MPS WorkStation with SPE Option

GERSTEL Twister® with PDMS Phase

GERSTEL Twister® with PDMS Phase