
LCTech Dioxin Series: Automated Sample Cleanup with DEXTech: A Simple and Cost-Effective Solution for Determination of POPs in a Wide Variety of Matrices

August 3rd, 2023: Automated Sample Cleanup with DEXTech: A Simple and Cost-Effective Solution for the Determination of POPs in a Wide Variety of Matrices In this session, we present an overview of the automated DEXTech Cleanup system, which offers a practical and affordable solution for detecting dioxins/furans, 209 PCB or PCNs, CPs, and PBDEs. The importance of enhancing laboratory setups to monitor persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is emphasized, particularly in light of incidents like the East Palestine, Ohio train accident. The DEXTech Cleanup system provides several advantages, including rapid turnaround time for results, suitability for processing high sample volumes, reduced manpower requirements, and affordability. Three versions of the system will be presented: a standard unit without heating, a heated version, and an automated system capable of processing 15 samples. Data is presented for various POPs analysis methods, such as US-EPA Method 1668C for 209 PCBs, US-EPA Method 1613 for 2,3,7,8 substituted PCDD/Fs, and Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/644 for dioxin-like PCBs and indicator PCBs.

August 10th, 2023: Introducing an Automated Solution to Enhance Efficiency and Streamline the Entire Dioxin Workflow. This session focuses on LCTech’s specialized equipment designed to optimize each step of the dioxin workflow, ensuring efficient processing, high-quality data, and safety. Building on the success of the automated cleanup DEXTech system, LCTech has developed automated units for every stage of sample preparation, specifically tailored for PCDD/F, PCBs, PCNs, CPs, and PBDEs. These units prioritize user-friendly operation, robustness, high throughput, and prevention of cross-contamination. The X-TRACTION unit is designed for pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) and offers exceptional ease of handling and cost efficiency while maintaining robust performance.