
Automated, Robust, and Reproducible Sample Preparation Protocols in the Field of Omics

Presentation Topics: “Measuring Volatile Short-chain Fatty Acids in Microbiome Samples,” Dr. Justin Cross and Charlotte Pohl, Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Cancer Metabolism Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are produced through the fermentation of non-digestible carbohydrates by the intestinal microbiota. Besides their role in energy homeostasis, SCFAs have also been shown to have signaling roles in the host through the inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDACs) and the activation of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). We will describe a sensitive and robust gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to measure SCFAs using negative chemical ionization (nCI). The method includes automated off-line derivatization using pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFBBr) and is performed on a GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS). We will highlight how the use of internal standards and calibration standard curves enables the precise quantitation of SCFAs and who GERSTEL automation solutions have significantly enhanced the throughput and reproducibility of our workflow. “Automated Hybrid Analytical Workflows for Human Health and Nutrition Research: Lipids and Lipophilic Hormones,” Dr. Michael Bukowski, USDA-ARS-Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center The analysis of lipids and lipophilic small molecules with conventional pipette-based robotics systems is challenging due to the aggressive organic solvents needed extract and solubilize these species. In this presentation, the application of an automated workstation to hybrid workflows for lipids and stress hormones will be demonstrated. The first workflow in support of an epigenetics program stemmed from limited samples of placental tissue. The second workflow presented was developed in support of a project examining chronic stress response as exhibited in hair cortisol.